Web Map Service (WMS) is a well-known protocol for serving raster data to many popular GIS platforms.
WMS serves geographic images as tiles so clients can efficiently consume images over the internet. WMS (Web Map Service) is used to show maps, orthophotos (such as satellite and drone images), and other image-based geographic data over many popular clients such as QGIS, ArcGIS, OpenLayers, and other less-known tools.
Because WMS is a well-known protocol and this a world standard, even surveyors’ tools as GNSS controllers of Leica, Trimble, Topcon, and others, support WMS.
Surveying with a background map that is loaded over the internet is very efficient because those maps and images weigh hundreds of GB but only the relevant portion is sent to the client, and it gets updated automatically as the user navigates. WMS hosting is a go-to for GIS users.
Google Maps for example is a WMS service. Obviously, the amount of data is enormous, and it keeps being updated yet it loads quickly on the browser.
Converting DWG to WMS, allows loading and showing AutoCAD files (.dwg files) as WMS layers and the CAD drawing is shown in the correct geographic position. Convert DWG to WMS or AutoCAD to WMS is easy.
GIS experts know how usefull WMS layers are, and architects use AutoCAD for drawing plans and sketches, but how can you convert DWG file to WMS layer?
When you convert DWG to WMS, our solution also offers a smart projection of the CAD drawing to a selected geographic position by automatically calculating the rotation, scale, and shift of the drawing to real-world coordinates. This is because many times architects draw on AutoCAD using meaningless paper coordinates. Combined with GNSS solutions, surveyors can see their exact position (to centimeter accuracy) on top of their AutoCAD plan (AutoCAD drawing, i.e., AutoCAD floor plan) loaded as Web Map Service.
It makes our solution unique. Surveyors do not have AutoCAD in the field, but they do have GNSS controllers. AutoCAD requires a powerful computer, but WMS can be loaded on a cellphone or a cheap tablet after you convert your DWG to WMS.
So allowing CAD to raster conversion online or CAD to GIS conversion is made easy.
Two more things make our WMS hosting special. Data is stored in a very efficient index so it can be loaded super-fast. Also, our system measures the actual use of the client, so we offer very flexible plans, including a free WMS plan so you don’t need to buy expensive servers to host WMS.
If you have an orthophoto that you wish to share for profit, our solution is an excellent choice to make revenue from your orthophoto or geodetic drone images. So, if you have a very “heavy” AutoCAD file that just won’t load into your surveying software or GIS software, just upload it to our server and make it a WMS layer. Turn DWG to WMS layer with few clicks.